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Benefits may be available to you in the event of a loved one passing who worked at AMP/TE Connectivity.

1. Life insurance benefits from a former employee passing:

Prudential Insurance Claims Department
Reference AMP/TE Connectivity Group Control #46726 and Policy #04419262
Provide the employee's Social Security Number and file a claim for insurance benefits resulting from employment with AMP Incorporated.
There may be limitations, such as the employee was required to reach age 55 with 10 years service by year 1999 to be eligible for insurance benefits.

Call Prudential at 1-800-778-3827 with questions on coverage eligibility and to request beneficiary change forms.

2. Residual unused pension benefits from a former employee passing:

Some employee pensions were sold to other Plan Administration companies. Check the most recent W2 form for contact information.


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