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The AMP Retirees Association, Inc, established in 1977, is a nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to provide a communications channel to not only retired, but to all former employees of AMP Incorporated and /or its successors, including Tyco Electronics and TE Connectivity, and their respective spouses with regard to Events, Activities, Retirement Benefits, Insurance Programs and other information of interest to all members. The organization strives to promote fellowship, pleasure, recreation, comradeship, and other nonprofit pursuits of the retirees and former employees.

Benfits may be available to you. Life insurance benefits from a former employee passing. Residual unused pension benefits from a former employee passing.
Click here ===> Benefits for more detailed information.
Forms, dates, event descriptions and more information is available.
Click here ===> Events for more detailed information on upcoming events.

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The official registration and financial information of AMPRA may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State
by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.